Saturday, November 17, 2012

El Primer Dia

After spending a day wandering around Managua, I already find myself starting every conversation by thinking first about how to manage to communicate what I’m trying to say in my bastardized Spanglish. 

The crumbling façade of the Antigua Catedral is magnificent, though you can’t approach it.  This beautiful cathedral, located in the abandoned Plaza de la Revolucion, was once the bustling center of Nicaragua’s capital.  Destroyed during an earthquake in 1972, it now stands empty, a poignant symbol of the city’s past.

In order to get out of the heat (as well as replace the sunscreen and bug spray I foolishly packed in my carry-on) I decided to visit Managua’s numero uno shopping center.  Metrocentral is a bustling, modern mall with dozens of stores, a large food court and a theater.  I thought about going to see Skyfall to kill a few hours before I was set to meet the other members of the World Vets group, but since I can barely keep up with Bond movies when they’re in English, I decided not to waste the money.

Cabs can be found in abundance.  Rides are about as expensive here as they are in U.S., with the notable exception that there are no meters.  The driver will simply tell you how much it is to go somewhere and you can then decide whether to hop in or not.  Speed limits, car lanes and traffic signs seem to be meaningless here.  It makes for an interesting ride.

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